Blue Dolphin Energy Company operates two business segments – “Refinery Operations” and “Tolling and Terminaling”, both of which are conducted at our Nixon, Texas facility. The Nixon facility is situated near the border of Gonzalez and Wilson Counties, which lies in the heart of the Eagle Ford Shale and is within close proximity to some of the highest producing wells drilled in the Eagle Ford Shale thus far.
Lazarus Energy, LLC (LE) – Refinery Operations
LE’s primary operating asset is the 15,000 barrel per day Nixon refinery. As a “topping unit,” the Nixon refinery is primarily comprised of a crude oil distillation tower/unit – the first stage of the crude oil refining process. The refinery separates crude oil and condensate into a single finished product – jet fuel – and several intermediate products, including naphtha, heavy oil mud blendstock, and atmospheric gas oil.
Nixon Product Storage, LLC (NPS) and Lazarus Refining & Marketing, LLC (LRM) – Tolling and Terminaling Operations
The Nixon facility has a tank farm providing approximately 1.2 million barrels of petroleum storage tank capacity, about half of which is used for tolling and terminaling storage. Tolling and terminaling operations also consist of loading and unloading facilities.
Other Assets and Subsidiaries
Blue Dolphin Energy Company owns pipeline and facilities assets in Freeport, Texas and has leasehold interests in offshore oil and gas properties in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. These assets and wells are currently not operational.
Besides LE, NPS, and LRM, Blue Dolphin Energy Company has the following active subsidiaries:
Blue Dolphin Pipe Line Company.
Blue Dolphin Petroleum Company.
Blue Dolphin Services Co.